Had been talking a lot of "
Pulp Fiction" with coworkers in recent days, introducing some Tarantino neophytes to the non-linear theatric masterpiece.
There are so many great quotes in that movie that it got me thinking of the movies I find myself quoting the most. And comedies always seem to have the edge when it comes to movie quoting, I think. Oh, and the Coen brothers are the king of the quote.
So, this week we look at what in my opinion are the most quotable movies of all. Of course, this is all subjective, there are lots of great movie quotes but I'm looking for particular movies that have more than their fair share of great lines.
And here are the movies that I end up quoting most often and seem to hear others doing the same:
Pulp Fiction - "If I am curt with you, it's because time is a factor here."
2. (tie)
Star Wars - "The Force is strong with this one."
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - "I fart in your general direction."
Raising Arizona - "Boy, you got a panty on your head."
O Brother, Where Art Thou? - "You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers."
Honorable Mention:
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - "Sooo that's the way it is in their family."
Anchorman - "I love Scotch. Scotchy...Scotchy...Scotch."
Wayne's World - "If you're going to spew. Spew in this."
Clerks - "I'm not even supposed to be here today."
A Christmas Story - "I triple dog dare you."
Animal House - "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"