Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wednesday Download

Trying something new. Since I scan the headlines every morning and a lot of times I see something blogworthy or that piques my interest...but then I never find the time to come back to it. So maybe I'll once again rip an idea off other blogs and try some quick hits.

Wonkette points to an LA Times news analysis about the dark cloud hanging over the Republicans: the plea agreement struck with lobbyist Jack Abramoff. "The corruption investigation ... shows the significant political risk that Republican leaders took when they adopted what had once seemed a brilliant strategy for dominating Washington: turning the K Street lobbying corridor into a cog of the GOP political machine," they write.

Slate writer Edward Jay Epstein logs another installment in his ongoing analysis of the movie business, this time looking at the concession economy that drives theaters - AKA why you pay $10 for a bag of popcorn and a Coke. He quotes one theater owner as saying the cupholders built into seats are "the most important technological innovation since sound" because it keeps the moviegoer drinking up.

Speaking of the movies, "Sith Happens" says E! Online via Yahoo as Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is proclaimed the highest grossing movie of 2005. Raking in $380 million, it surpassed the #2 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by just over $100 million.

The Onion offers "Cold and Flu Prevention Tips." Keep that phlegm flying. ;)


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