Friday Download
I am a Lost fan. Great, fun show. But sometimes, I feel like I'm watching a sequel to a bad Michael Caine movie. Don't forget what Zeke said about curiousity. Does he know Hanso?
Nearly 40 percent of Arkansas kids are overweight. Wait, did I forget to give my kids money for the vending machine today???
I know, it's a couple days late but Tuesday Morning Quarterback had another insightful stat this week. "In 33 of their last 35 games, the Indianapolis Colts averaged 30.6 points. In the other two, both season-ending defeats in the divisional [playoffs], the Colts averaged 10.5 points."
Elaine...errr Julia Louis-Dreyfuss says there's no 'Seinfeld' curse. Riiiiight. How did "Watching Ellie" work out for you?
Attack the Radical: So, according to one alumni group, the best way to "restore an atmosphere of respectful political discourse" on the UCLA campus is to offer students $100 to out "most extreme left-wing members of the UCLA faculty" for inclusion on an online "Dirty Thirty" list. Very respectful.
And finally, while we're on the West Coast, sports guy Murray alerts us to this hilarious photo of a USC cheerleader [check the blonde near the middle] who may not be clued in to some of the finer points of the game. As the two blondes to her left might be thinking, "Whose side are you on, anyway?"
Nearly 40 percent of Arkansas kids are overweight. Wait, did I forget to give my kids money for the vending machine today???
I know, it's a couple days late but Tuesday Morning Quarterback had another insightful stat this week. "In 33 of their last 35 games, the Indianapolis Colts averaged 30.6 points. In the other two, both season-ending defeats in the divisional [playoffs], the Colts averaged 10.5 points."
Elaine...errr Julia Louis-Dreyfuss says there's no 'Seinfeld' curse. Riiiiight. How did "Watching Ellie" work out for you?
Attack the Radical: So, according to one alumni group, the best way to "restore an atmosphere of respectful political discourse" on the UCLA campus is to offer students $100 to out "most extreme left-wing members of the UCLA faculty" for inclusion on an online "Dirty Thirty" list. Very respectful.

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