The Onion Counts the Top XII Super Bowl Films

The Onion AV Club, the semi-serious side of the satirical media site has a great piece this week counting down the best of the Super Bowl highlight films put together annually by NFL Films. These 30-minute recaps now don't have the artistry they had in the early days before cable, when this was an outlet for reliving those early bowls.

They always had highlight film marathons on Super Bowl week and it was tradition there for a couple years for me to catch as many of them as I could.
Super Bowl XII, the first bowl I ever watched (I was 7 at the time), made the cut. I'll admit it, I'm a Cowboys fan and this is where it started, back with the Doomsday Defense and QB Roger Staubach.
Inventory: The XII Greatest Super Bowl Highlight Films [The Onion AV Club]
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