Sunday, June 04, 2006

Aren't You That Girl?

Remember that girl from the sad but really sweet movie "My Girl" know the one with the luminous eyes who gave the engaging performance as a tom boy whose best friend (Macaulay Culkin) dies in an accident? Wonder where she's been since? Well, I did...and finally I have an well as an answer to how she deals with all those folks who approach her and say "Aren't you that girl from 'My Girl'?" and "Where have you been?"

Here's her nicely done essay on the topic, "Peaking at 10," which I was put on to from Pop Candy.

She writes about her conclusion on dealing with success at a young age:

Success at a young age not only gives you a taste of grandeur and attention that you forever strive to duplicate, but it also gives you that precious sense that you can achieve absolutely anything. The trick is to learn how to let the past drive you to your next, bigger, and better peak.

The essay apparently is part of a collection, "Before the Mortgage: Real Stories of Brazen Love, Broken Leases and the Perplexing Pursuit of Adulthood."

Peaking at 10 [Sirens Magazine]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which is why I've chosen to not peak yet, prefering to live in anonymity until the moment when I'll let my brilliance loose on society.

You've been warned...

10:54 AM  

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