You Mean No One Suggested 'Welcome to the Rock'?!?

After a local radio DJ suggested the city shop for a new nickname, something memorable like The Big Easy or The Windy City, public comment was sought by the city. City officials received about 200 responses, they said. Now a committee will review the suggestions and either pick one, pick something different or pick nothing at all.
"Among the favorites identified by the city are: River City, Diamond of the South, Southern Comfort, America's Gem Stone, Bridge City and several suggestions that play on the word "rock," said assistant city manager Bryan Day."
What, no one suggested "Welcome to the Rock"?!?! C'mon, imagine the ad campaign with Sean Connery intoning said line as he does while playing John Mason in the movie. And using a hackneyed line from an action flick is no worse than "A River Runs Through It," which was suggested.
Ehhh, what do I care, I live in Sherwood, "Rated recently by the Wall Street Journal as one of the ten best cities in the United States in which to live." Doesn't roll off the tongue like my hometown Malvern as "The Brick Capital of the World."
Little Rock Searching for New Nickname [AP via Baxter Bulletin]
Suggested Nicknames From Public for Little Rock [The AP via the Baxter Bulletin]
"Little Rock: Larger and Less Rocky Than Our Name Might Suggest"
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