Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It Depends on Your Definition of "Leak"

Howard Kurtz, Wash Post media writer, makes a point today about the recent revelation that it was the president who apparently authorized the "leak" of the identity of an undercover CIA operative - allegedly in response to critics of the administration's case for going to war in Iraq.

Kurtz writes, within the context of a recent "leak" alleging the administration is mulling a nuke strike against Iran if it doesn't give up its nuke program, "Interesting juxtaposition, by the way, that Bush acknowledged today that he okayed Libby's 2003 leak on Iraq because he wanted the 'truth' out--especially when some of the administration's own experts were disputing that 'truth' about whether Saddam was trying to buy yellowcake uranium from Africa.

"Oh, and by the way, if the president wanted the truth out, and he was declassifying the thing anyway, why not make a speech about it, rather than having it secretly slipped to Judith Miller [the NY Times reporter jailed for contempt after refusing to give up her source for the leaking of the CIA agent's identity] (who didn't write a story anyway)?"

Going Nuclear Over Leaks [Washington Post]


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