You Can Think That All You Want, But...

The Wash Post quotes the interview: The vice president rejected critics, including Republicans, who said the incident should have been announced promptly by the White House, rather than by the ranch owner calling a friendly local reporter the next day. "I thought that made good sense because you get as accurate a story as possible from somebody who knew and understood hunting," he said, adding: "And I thought that was the right call. . . . I still do."
Well, you can think that all you want, but you're still wrong, Mr. Vice President.
Then I see Mary Matlin on the Today Show this morning bobbing and weaving and trying to defend. Oh, calling your press secretary immediately to have them announce the news is the "conventional way," she says, and critics - like Bush I mouthpiece Marlin Fitzwater who says that should've been done - were right, she said. But the vice president was right, too, she added.
And Cheney saying the media chatter was merely jealousy by the White House press for losing the story to the Corpus Christi paper. That's a steaming load, I think. He concedes the newsworthiness of the story, that the Vice President of the United States shoots someone. But then says he was right in trying to downplay the story by having a minor player in the whole thing call only the local paper...delaying that call and any other info about the incident by almost a day. Then steadfastly not addressing it personally for four days.
If nothing else it was a PR snafu for noting getting in front of the story because the delay gave critics and comedians more time to sharpen their knives and harp on the silence in a vaccuum.
Writes Jacob Weisberg in Slate: "...American tradition, however, suggests that high officials are obliged to inform the public not just about the rare violent encounter, but also about their financial interests and the condition of their health, and above all about the workings of the government."
I think Nick Anderson's cartoon above from the Houston Chronicle hits the bullseye.
Cheney Says Shooting Was His Fault [Wash Post]
Fitzwater, Former WH Press Secretary, Blasts Handling of Cheney Shooting [Editor & Publisher]
Smoking Gun: Dick Cheney's Assault on the Public's Right to Know [Slate]
Steaming load, indeed. And I think about 18 hours is enough for your liver to metabolize alcohol, even in Cheney's state.
But I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
Still, the fact that there was no open press conference is not a "jealousy" issue--it's a freedom of information issue, a 1st amendment press right to know issue. But I'm not telling you anything you're not grumbling through gritted teeth already.
Playing the devil's advocate for a moment:
I honestly believe that part of the hysteria surrounding this issue is cultural. I'm not sure the New York and Beltway media can come to grips with guns and hunting as a sport. If Clinton had accidently tripped a 78 year old lawyer while jogging, leading to a broken leg and a hospital stay, I doubt anyone would be calling for a congressional investigation, even with an 18 hour delay.
And, I re-read the 1st Amendment and it doesn't say anything about the press's right to know. I think this idea that we have to know everything, right now, before the facts are sorted out, INFORMATION, INFORMATION, part of the problem, not the solution. Entertainment Tonight can break half stories where later on nearly the entire slate of facts can be re-written, but I'd hope a real journalist would want something more than just a scoop.
All of that being said, the politically astute move would have been a short, studied news release with the standard gentlemen's agreement regarding privacy for his friend and his family. But, we'll never know what the smart way to handle this would have looked like.
Also, if the delay was in order to cover up a crime, even a minor one then all bets are off.
I know he's not the favorite of the right, but Al Franken was on Scarborough country (video at and made an astute observation--if as Scotty McClellan said, the VP delayed an immediate news release because his first priority was to make sure his friend was okay--an understandable urge--then...
Why wasn't Cheney at the hospital?
According to the timeline he went back to the ranch, had dinner, made some calls, got some sleep, then went to "visit" the police the next morning.
Now I know it's a bit more complicated for the VP of the USA to go walking down the street than for the rest of us, but still--he shot his friend. You'd think he'd want to be there.
UNLESS--there were "mitigating" (i.e., distilled) circumstances.
While the freedom of the press is an enshrined issue, I can allow that the "public's right to know" isn't necessarily spelled out in the constitution. But still--whatever the real facts, the appearance of impropriety is very damaging here. The smart thing would have been an immediate news conference, contrite answers to questions from all the press, openness and honesty.
Instead, one softball interview on Fox News. I would think that even supporters could see this isn't the best tack.
I also think some of this could be Kerry, Gore and Ted Kennedy being jealous of the macho nature of this little incident. The VP shot someone on a hunting trip, gave the finger to the press by not telling them, didn't apologize for it in any real way and his macho buddy backs him up! Holy crap, its more action than Kerry or Bush saw in Vietnam!
That sort of shit doesn't happen while you're wind surfing Cape Cod. Nor is anything that freakin' cool going to pop up at a Rotary Club Technology committee meeting in Nashville.
Lets face it, burying some buckshot in a buddy is practically a right of passage in the red states. They get it. When the poll numbers for this come out, don't be surprised if Sen. Clinton doesn't bust a cap in someones ass. Is there a more macho Democrat?
Peace Out.
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