Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Moving on Up...

I'm long overdue in noting changes to the blogging locales of some buddies. But they likely make up most of Jonworld's regular customers, so I've got to point out their new blogging directions. There's also a little irony involved. Or is it just a coincidence? I sometimes get them mixed up, so go ask Alanis.

Anyway, my buddy LT has let Dashboard slide in recent weeks, but he's had good reason. His real job is cutting into his recreational blogging. You can check him out now, blogging at his daytime job with Arkansas Business. AB recently redesigned its Web site (nice work, too) and Lance has his own blog devoted young professionals trying to climb the proverbial "Ladder." (I'm feeling doubly - you know, it's what Spinal Tap records in...doubly - embarassed because LT linked to one of my posts the other day).

Then there's AlanG, who started visiting Jonworld not long after its launch. He's always quick with the wit and is a Seinfeld fan to boot, so there you go. He recently decided to pack up his Electric Key Orchestra Journal and plug in a new site, full of wit and fun: Retirement is a B!tch (...then you die). Or fall off the ladder.

Check em out.


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