Hey! What Are Ewe Doing???

A homeless man was arrested by police Tuesday night as he tried to steal a sheep from the Little Rock Zoo. Security guards saw the man, Grady Allen Carnahan, dragging a trash can through the zoo. Inside, they found the sheep, which he initially said was sick and he was trying to take it to the doctor.
Now here's where it really gets...b-a-a-d: Says zoo curator Mark Shaw, "Apparently according to reports and stuff - one it almost sounded like he thought the sheep was his mother - and then another report sounded like it was his grandmother's sheep and it was sick and he was I don't know - it doesn't make any sense."
Writes the Democrat-Gazette: Police reports said that during questioning, Carnahan claimed a family attachment to the purloined sheep. “Carnahan advised that [the] sheep was his mother, named Dolly,” Little Rock police officer Christopher Johannes wrote in an arrest report, adding that the suspect made other “odd statements.”
The sheep was returned to the zoo and reportedly doing fine.
Sheep Taken Out Like Trash [KTHV]
Man Has Eyes on Zoo's Ewe [Ark Democrat-Gazette]
Sheep Rustler [Ark Times blog]
This episode was truly mind boggling and kept me glued to the television during the past evening’s news casts. However, my initial explanation to the reasons behind this bizarre abduction turned out to be incorrect if you believe the now prevalent explanation provided by the various media outlets.
Initially I thought that this was surely just a pure case of a star-struck lover simply trying to elope with the girl of his dreams. Since she was underage, he had to conceal his intentions by using the trash can as a clever disguise till they were free of her captors.
Believe what 'ewe' want but I will stick with my original thoughts. Us hillbillies have a keen eyesight into these types of issues.
I am anxious to see who gets the movie rights!!
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