Preface to Five For Friday: JP on Movies

I'm of two minds about that. One part of me wants to argue that there are some virtues to the "blockbusters." That there is some interesting and good moviemaking going on and that some of the critical barbs amount to nothing more than vanity and intellectual snobbery. I absolutely see some of the complaints and agree (or disagree). I've long argued that the movies I want to pay to see at the theater, I usually want to be films that lend themselves to being seen on the big screen, with the THX sound system cranked up to 11.
That leaves out a lot of films, to be sure. Films that I would probably like and quieter, more character-driven movies that lend more to me enjoying in the privacy and comfort of my own home...where I can pause and go back if I want to see a scene again to make sure I caught this or that subtlety or line. And a lot of times, some of those type movies don't make it to central Arkansas theaters. Or, owing to having a family, I just can't get out and see all the movies I would like to. That narrows down the field a bit.
I do see many of these films - just not in the year they came out. For example, just caught 21 Grams on cable the other night. That was a raw, painful movie from 2003 that I just couldn't look away from. The non-linear storytelling challenged me as it gave me bits of information and connections in places that informed earlier sequences. And the performances that carried the film weren't just the leads, Sean Penn, Benicio del Torro (who I've loved since Traffic) and Naomi Watts (whose performance was made more interesting since I just saw her in Kong). The supporting characters added greatly as they reacted to the actions of the main characters. It was sad and hopeful at the same time. I heard about it around the time the movie came out, but didn't get to see it for one reason or another.
As for my other mind as I rationalize my movie tastes: Who cares what others think?!?! So what if I was moved by the climactic faceoff between Anakin and Obi Wan in Revenge of the Sith. Does that make me blind to some of the shortcomings of the film - the sometime overabundance of computer-generated images or some gawd awful dialogue? No. But I went to the movie looking for escape and fun and that's what I found. Just like being drawn to 21 Grams by the awful situation that brings together 3 disparate characters who share more than they realize.
So it is what it is...and when I post my favorite movies of 2005, I won't be listed a lot of movies that are making the critic lists I've been seeing. Some of those flicks I haven't been able to see (but maybe I will in the years to come)...some of the movies - from what I know of them - don't appeal to me.
Oh, and one more thing...
Snootchie bootchies!
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