The Ritual Buying of the Bread When Snow is Forecast

It's the classic - and much-documented - occurance (or some say urban legend) in the South, where we don't see much snow. And thus even a hint of "the white stuff" brings out fear buying of the staples...bread, milk and eggs. I mean, you never know.WB42's Doug Krile points out some of the ridiculousness of it.
At least this behavior doesn't appear to be confined to the South. And apparently TP enters the equation, says the WashPost.
Snow!! [The WB42 Report with Doug Krile]
Snow is Here...Bread is Gone [Pittsburgh Live]
A Tissue of Lies [The Washington Post]
Well I admittedly, for one, did not realize that so many folks lived so close to the edge when it comes to “TP”. Yes….I was familiar with the snow run on bread, milk and eggs but quite honestly had never heard of the addition of “TP” to that list. I guess, now that you have brought that to my attention, if I was to ever get surprised and run out of ‘toilet paper’ during a snow event – well I could pretty much cover that situation with the extra bread!
Again, thanks for the heads-up. I’ll just always make sure from now on I get one more loaf of bread than normal during snow event preparation.
Yeah, I thought TP was one of those things you bought in bulk at Sam's... :)
Had to go to the store last night...we needed milk. No, we really did. Didn't buy any bread, though. Surprised that it wasn't more crowded. Guess the craziness will set in today and tonight.
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