Wednesday, December 07, 2005

How The Bush Stole Christmas

So today it's all about the holiday seas--err Christmas. Religious correctness gets out of hand when Christian conservatives go after Bush because he has the gall to send out "holiday" cards and not "Christmas" cards. Doug Krile and the Arkansas Times are among those chuckling over the ridiculousness of this one.

'Holiday' Cards Ring Hollow For Some on Bushes' List [Wash Post]
Trial Questions and Christmas [WB42 Report With Doug Krile]
The War On Christmas [Arkansas Times]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dear King of Saudi Arabia: Merry Christmas."

"Dear Israeli Ambassador: Merry Christmas."

"Dear General Musharaf: Merry Christmas."

I'm sure those would go over well.

Really, I know I'm not going out on a limb here, but this is stupid, even for them. First they're reversing years of policy and DEMANDING the commercialization of Christmas, to the exclusion of other traditions (Ever heard of Hannukuh? Anyone?), and now they're eating their own over a form card that gets sent out to thousands of people and thus should be as inclusive of traditions (and non-tradtions--he might have one or two atheists on the holiday card list) as possible.

Next they'll be saying we should demand that Zimbabwe celebrate Thanksgiving, or organize a 4th of July fireworks show over Buckingham Palace.

8:24 AM  

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