War on Christmas = War on Judaism?
My buddy Scott brings us some more analysis on the current Drudge and O'Reilly-fed cultural outrage, the "War on Christmas." Scott points to an opinion piece that wonders if some of the animus against those who wish a "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" might be expressing thinly-veiled anti-Semitism.
Says one Jewish essayist:
"The reason businesses have adopted the term “the holidays” in place of Christmas is that Christmas is one day, December 25th. “The holidays” suggests a period that runs from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, more time for shopping and exchanging. Anti-Christmas animus is a myth."
Then again, when your opponent won't engage you in a logical debate, just zing 'em with sarcasm...like online news satire site, The Onion with this late breaking development:
Activist Judge Cancels Christmas!
As the fake story quotes "War on Christmas" promoter John Gibson of Fox News, "They've been chipping away at Christmas rights for decades. Even before this ruling, you couldn't hear a Christmas song on the radio or in a department store. I hate to say it, America, but I told you so."
War on Christmas = War on Judaism [ScottStandridge.com]
Activist Judge Cancels Christmas [The Onion]
Says one Jewish essayist:
"The reason businesses have adopted the term “the holidays” in place of Christmas is that Christmas is one day, December 25th. “The holidays” suggests a period that runs from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, more time for shopping and exchanging. Anti-Christmas animus is a myth."
Then again, when your opponent won't engage you in a logical debate, just zing 'em with sarcasm...like online news satire site, The Onion with this late breaking development:
Activist Judge Cancels Christmas!
As the fake story quotes "War on Christmas" promoter John Gibson of Fox News, "They've been chipping away at Christmas rights for decades. Even before this ruling, you couldn't hear a Christmas song on the radio or in a department store. I hate to say it, America, but I told you so."
War on Christmas = War on Judaism [ScottStandridge.com]
Activist Judge Cancels Christmas [The Onion]
I'll lay you money it won't be long before some Baptist blog, neocon site, or Faux News quotes that Onion piece unattributed and uses it to "prove" their point.
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