Five for Friday, Vol. 14: Beatlemania Edition

But, if Maxwell's Silver Hammer was against my head, here are the five (or so) I couldn't live without:
1. A Day In The Life - The perfect combination of John and Paul. A song that is epic and intimate at the same time. A song that is artsy and pop. Lennon's dreamy invitation to turn us on while recounting the suicide of a member of the House of Lords and pot holes bookend Paul's middle class morning routine of getting ready for work and dragging the comb across his head. Then the build...then the crash.
2. Help! - The rockinest, poppyest tune about a nervous breakdown. Ever.
3. In My Life - It's the song I want to dedicate to SP, official wife of JP. A perfect ballad of life and love.
4. Hard Day's Night - This reminds us all that The Beatles were a rock band. A bar band. This is fun and fast and instantly singable.
5. Hey Jude - Who hasn't got the "naa na na na-naa-na-naa" stuck in their head at least once in their life? A wonderful song with sweet back story.
Others in my heart and head:
Eleanor Rigby
Please, Please Me
She Loves You
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Eight Days a Week
Ticket To Ride
I Feel Fine
Here Comes The Sun
Revolution I
I'm So Tired
I'm Only Sleeping
Tomorrow Never Knows
I'm Looking Through You
Happiness is a Warm Gun
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Helter Skelter
Twist and Shout
Two of Us
Penny Lane
Strawberry Fields Forever
...and I could go on. :)
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