Hello. Hawaii Doin'?

Waikiki Beach as seen from Diamond Head Crater
This thing still on? So I'm back from our one week, 10th wedding anniversary trip to the 50th state plus one week (took that long to get reacclimated back to Arkansas, I guess). Had a great time in Hawaii, though the trip was exhausting, even before we left. Taking a cue from Scott and his recent travelblog, I'll recount some of the highlights and lowlights from the trip.
Then we'll get back to our regular schedule...a new fall TV season, school starts, football kicks off (thank goodness) and life gets back to its hectic routine.
Trip Part I
Scheduled to fly out of Little Rock about 7:40a on Aug. 5. Clock set for 4ish. Get a call at 3a. Flight is cancelled (!!!!??!) and we are automatically rebooked on a new flight the next day. Susan calls airline and manages to get us on an earlier flight - now we gotta get going. We make it and fly out about 6:25a to Chicago...then a 9 hour plane ride to Honolulu, watching old episodes of Fraiser, some pretty decent soccer movie and other such stuff. We arrive about 12:30p (thanks to time zone changes). Get there earlier than we originally had scheduled. :)
Got to the hotel and got checked in. Then walked around a bit, checking the beach and getting a long overdue meal. Then, about 5p local time, we discover what jet lag feels like and crash.
In Part II, we see a swap meet, a gorgeous waterfall and Pearl Harbor.
Welcome Back...
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