Hawaii, Part III: Jon, Susan and the 99 Steps of Death

The moon rises over Waikiki Beach, with Diamond Head Crater visible at right.
And now, back to the gripping review of my anniversary trip to Hawaii with Susan.
Tuesday, we got up and headed to the beach. Spent about an hour-and-a-half out on crowded Waikiki Beach. It was almost too crowded. But the water was nice and clear. It was sunny and beautiful weather. The water was shallow compared to Orange Beach, Ala. (where we went last year on vacation). There was some surfing going on, but the waves weren't huge.
After a short nap, it was another bus trip east of Waikiki (or "Diamond Head") to the so-named volcanic crater. We hike up the side, through the tunnel, up the 99-Steps-of-Death (the stairs seemed to go almost straight up...might as well have been a ladder), through another tunnel, then up the spiral stairs to the top for some spectacular views. The crater got its name after early British explorers mistook the volcanic crystals they found there for diamonds. Part of the craters inside is still used as a military facility (the crater rim was a home to a fire control station for early island defenses). The bunkers in the crater were used as a filming location for Jonworld TV favorite "Lost." This trip offered us several chances to visit filming locations for the show.
That evening, we went out to eat along the beach. Having a burger and drinks on the deck at Duke's Canoe Club, then heading down to Mai Tai Bar in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. We had a mai tais there...perhaps the strongest drink I have ever tasted. We also got to enjoy the luau entertainment going on next door. Nothing like hula dancing and juggling fire.
Then it was to bed early for the next day's island hop to the Big Island for a visit to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
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