More Calvinism

Chris Sullentrop writes (and I agree) that "no new comic strip has matched the quality, longevity, or cultural dominance of Watterson's daily drawings about a boy and his tiger."
Both this and The Complete Far Side are on my Christmas list.
Calvin and Hobbes: The Last Great Newspaper Comic Strip [Slate]
I Still Miss Calvin and Hobbes [Jonworld]
New to the Arkansas ring and taking some time to visit some of my neighbors. Your latest post drew my attention.
Although not familiar with Calvin and Hobbes, I do continue to lament over the retirement and cessation of talents from Mr. Gary Larson. I have a drawer full of Far Side mostly archived from the yearly calendar of which I would have never been caught without.
I recall the times myself and a co-worker in crime would take a rather “deep” Far Side and proceed to interrogate some of our more “intelligent” co-workers in an effort to get their insight into the day’s Far Side delight. Full well knowing, of course, that they wouldn’t have a clue. That would invariably extend the enjoyment of his humor even further.
I do miss his cartoons immensely.
Alan G
Welcome to the Arkansas Ring, Alan, and thanks for stopping by Jonworld.
I, too, had one of those Far Side calendars years back and had kept several of my favorite cartoons from that year. He had a knack for the offbeat, especially with the animal humor.
I have one Far Side book now and would love to have the complete collection, though it is a bit pricey - as is the Calvin and Hobbes collection. If you missed C&H, I highly recommend it to anyone who was once an 8 or 9-year old boy.
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