JP: New Kayne West Fan

Still not much of a hip-hop fan, but I'm digging Kayne West's new material. When he went off script on the NBC Katrina-thon to bash Bush and the disaster response in New Orleans, I was thinking I should go out and pick up his latest CD.
"West: George Bush doesn't care about black people!"
Yikes! I guess until I do, I'll have to just loop his comments on my DVR and put it to a good dance beat.
Boy, I'll be glad when this stuff calms down and I can get back to writing about pop culture and fluff as I intended.
Kayne West's Torrent of Criticism, Live on NBC [Wash Post]
The Show Didn't Benefit By Censors [LA Times]
I tend to think this is more a class issue than a race issue--the have-nots left behind and ignored by the haves until the media, for once doing its job, picked them up and threw them in the face of the haves, demanding the compassion that has been sorely lacking until the disaster made it unavoidable. There's another disaster here, besides the hurricane, and it's the disaster of poverty in America, which has just gotten worse and worse and shows no signs of slowing.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
--Dr. Seuss.
However (he meant to go on)...
Race and class are pretty tightly tied up in the country. I don't blame folks like Mr. West and others for being angry. You wonder if the refugees had all looked like that missing girl in Aruba, would the response have been any different?
You hope it wouldn't have changed things...but at the same time, I can't help thinking it might have.
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